Thursday, August 26, 2010

Super Chocolate!!

So you've made yourself some beautiful fresh almond milk. Now what do you do with it. Well you can drink just like you would milk, either cold or warm. You can add vanilla extract and cinnamon for a lovely fall drink. You can use it as you would regular milk on cereal or in tea or to make a chai latte! But yesterday I discovered something so yummy and so healthy that I just HAD to share!!


Raw Cacao Smoothie!!
1 cup almond milk
1/4 cup organic raw cacao nibs
Blend together until smooth
Add in 1 banana
1 date and a handful of ice and blend again until smooth

This tastes like a chocolate milkshake but let me tell you of the health benefits of this shake! First let's talk chocolate. Not the kind you find in the store mixed with sugar. Oh no this is raw cacao. (pronounced ka cow). Raw Cacao has amazing beautifying and healing properties. Raw Cacao blows green tea, blueberries and red wine out of the water with it's antioxidant content. Antioxidants help to keep your skin young and supple. Cacao is really high is magnesium, chromium and iron. Magnesium is the number one nutrient deficiency in North Americans today. Magnesium balances brain chemistry, builds strong bones, and is associated with more happiness. Raw Cacao is super high is vitamin C (but be aware that there is no vitamin C in refined heated chocolate).

Raw Cacao is very high in anandamide. This compound gives you a feeling similar to falling in love. I can attest to this after my shake yesterday I had this "walking on clouds" feeling. It was awesome!!!

I could go on and on about Cacao but if you really want an interesting read on it I suggest David Wolfe's book "Naked Chocolate"


Tracey Tilson August 26, 2010 at 6:00 AM  

Yet another wonderful recipe from my "Great Health Guru, Sebrina"! I am compiling a list of the foods I need to purchase at an Earth Fare store a few towns away from me. I'll add this raw cacao to the list. Thank you again for ALL you do and share with us! Hugs!

Colleen August 26, 2010 at 6:40 AM  


Tacey August 26, 2010 at 6:47 PM  

Wow. So one day you ask "should I do a food blog?" and the next day...BAM! Sebrina has a food blog. You are amazing! Great, great job-you are sooo hitting your stride and it shows!

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